Song Straters are available in the Marketplace

Song Starters in Amped Studio Market place is a unique type of product provided for music creators by Jamband and Amped Studio. There you can find series of Song Starters in various genres. Song Starter is a single track that is ready to be used as a completed production or user is able to adapt, remix, transform and build his track upon a Song starter. All Song Starters are created at sample source level so individual track level adjustments and panning will improvement the overall sound picture. Perfect for any type of social media and content creators, for any purpose, even commercially. Share copy and redistribute in any media or format. Since you get it use as inspiring starter or as a completed song with license that covers all your needs. What are stems and where can be used you can read more detailed in [Amped studio Blog](Stems - multitrack format for djing & producing W)

oh, it’s cool, you can immediately change something and make your own cover
this is really useful and helps to quickly start making your track
