Gutiar Chord phrasing and struming similiar to the new Chords

Very similar to the new Chords feature. Just proper phrasing for a guitar. Maybe
some down and up strumming delay between notes based on tempo.

Guitar chord phrasing and strumming refers to the way a guitarist plays chords and rhythm patterns on the guitar. To achieve a similar sound to a new chord progression, it’s important to understand the basics of chord construction and the different strumming techniques that can be used to create different rhythms and feelings.

Here are a few tips to help you achieve a similar sound to a new chord progression on guitar:

  1. Learn the chords: To play a new chord progression, you must first learn the chords that are used in the progression. This can be done by studying chord diagrams and practicing the chords until you can play them cleanly and in time.
  2. Experiment with different voicings: Voicings refer to the way a chord is played on the guitar. Experimenting with different voicings can help you find new sounds and textures within a chord progression.
  3. Use different strumming techniques: Strumming techniques refer to the way you play the strings with a pick or your fingers. Some common strumming techniques include downstrokes, upstrokes, and alternate strumming. Experimenting with different strumming techniques can help you achieve a variety of rhythmic feels within a chord progression.
  4. Experiment with different rhythms: The rhythm of a chord progression is an essential element of the overall sound. Experimenting with different rhythms can help you achieve different feels and create interest within the progression.
  5. Listen to recordings of the new chord progression and try to imitate the phrasing and strumming of the musicians on the recording. Take note of the specific techniques they use, such as the strumming patterns, fingerpicking, and the rhythm of the chords.

Keep in mind that guitar chord phrasing and strumming is a skill that requires practice, so don’t be discouraged if it takes time to achieve the sound you want. Keep experimenting with different techniques and listening to recordings for inspiration.