Can I save Synthesizer presets?

Can I save Synthesizer presets?

Actually yes, if you use an Amped studio synth like Vollt yes , just deal with presets menu at the right-top of the synthesiser. There is also a nice fearure i have recently discover , and it works for Amp Studio synths and VST. Saving of an entire Midi clip with the presets of the instrument it is played + all devices in the device chain. Right click on the clip and choose save midi clip, it will be saved on my files. Then just drag and drop it in the arrangement to a New Track any time you want to use it and clip appears there with all set of instruments and fx in the device chain. Hope that helps.Cheers.

The feature you have mentioned , that saves clip with instruments is nice , but seems it do not work for any VST .Couple VST i used load just with default presets. Some loads as expected like preview.